Rainbow Miracle Baby Tyre
Rainbow Miracle Baby Tyre
Fundraiser Goal -
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Days to go

Bridgette Tyre is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hello, my husband Paul and I got married in October of 2016 and had been trying naturally to have a baby to no avail. My husband is originally from Ireland and I am from a border town in Arizona. We now live in San Francisco.
It was when I turned 38 that we both knew we needed to see a fertility doctor for help. In October of 2020, I finally was able to see an IVF doctor in Arizona and did an HSG procedure. This evidently helped as two months later in December of 2020, I was finally pregnant! But with a heavy heart to say, we lost our first baby on January 22, 2021. It was absolutely devastating! We waited to be able to try again and soon after we got pregnant again in May 2021, but then again lost our second baby on July 11, 2021. We were traumatized and so afraid to try again naturally.
We then decided to contact a different fertility clinic called RMA in San Francisco who in the end did soooo many things wrong to cause us to withdraw from the process. This was both March and April of 2022. We stopped and took some time off again to clear our minds and hearts and regain focus, but knew we were not going to give up. We tried again, but this time with UCSF Center for Reproductive Health Clinic in October 2023 with an IUI procedure, which was ineffective and failed. We finally started our IVF procedure with UCSF January 2024 and truly believed this had to be it for us. Halfway through the many and costly medications/injections, appts etc, we had to cancel this cycle because of vanished follicles. So, we had to start all over again for my next cycle in March of 2024 from scratch, but even so, I felt optimistic about the outcome. They retrieved 3 eggs but were only able to transfer 2. We waited those torturous two weeks that we all have to endure to see if we were pregnant or not. April 4th was another devastating blow for us only to find out from our lab work that we once again are not pregnant. Our lab results came out negative and we were and still are heartbroken, shocked, exhausted and extremely devastated once again.
When I got the news, it broke my heart but more so for my husband as he said the night before the test as we prayed together in bed that all he wants is for us to be healthy and alive to see our kids grow up. As many people in our lives, especially doctors have said to us that “time is not on our side.” This is all the more reason we cannot give up right now. However, we can no longer afford another IVF procedure, but we also know we cannot give up. This is truly our ultimate dream and purpose in life. We know we would be wonderful parents and would give our baby a great life with so much love and care!
We are so close to the finish line and we cannot imagine our lives without a child and raising a family. I reached out to my sister’s childhood friend who sadly like many women was also in a similar situation, but finally and successfully got pregnant with her rainbow baby! She recommended that I go see her miracle doctor in Tempe, Az called Fertility Treatment Center with Dr. Craig. Therefore, we really want to fly out there and begin the process again soon. We are even open to and leaning more towards an embryo adoption as there is a significantly higher chance of pregnancy. We so very much want a baby and to become loving parents so this would truly be the greatest gift and blessing ever!
Our funds have depleted for such treatments as we are still trying to pay off the loans for the previous IVF procedures. This is our first time sharing our journey, which is not easy to do. With this comes more than just heartbreak and devastation, but shame and embarrassment as well. We pray that God blesses us with a little help from our friends and kind strangers who know the struggles of infertility. We need to fight and give it one last shot and have been non-stop praying for this to finally happen for us. We would so greatly appreciate any help to reach our goal and obtain our dream and gift of parenthood! Thank you for your time, compassion and willingness to help. God bless. -Bridgette and Paul Tyre
Name | Donation | Date |
Emilia Sanders | $400.00 | July 30, 2024 |

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Bridgette Tyre is organizing this fundraiser.